Monday, March 2, 2015

Myo : The Future of Gesture Recognition on Human-Computer Interface

The usage of mouse and keyboard as input device on computer has applied for more than 50 years. Wikipedia mentions that both mouse and keyboard have been used as the input device on computer since 1960 and never been replaced since then. Even after those years, mouse and keyboard has never been updated on ergonomic side. There aren’t many computer users who do pay attention to ergonomics when using both the input device. For example, the use of a computer while lying down or not using the computer desk and good posture does not reflect how the use of ergonomic. We need an alternative input devices that not only improve the use of ergonomic computer, but also make a good interface with the computer.

Thalmic Labs Inc., one of the researcher groups in the field of human-computer interaction create an alternative input devices other than a mouse and keyboard. The input device that called as Myo is claimed as input device that listen muscle signal and convert it into an input to the computer and even to smartphones. This armband device can make you with only your hands play the game, raising the volume of your music, or swipe on your presentation slides.

Myo work with EMG sensors (Electromyography). Myo measures the electrical activity of the muscles to detect five poses that formed by the hands of the user. By using a 9-axis IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), Myo detects motion, orientation, and rotation of the user's arm. After capturing the gestures of the user's arm, Myo transmit this information via Bluetooth connection to a computer or a smartphone.
Myo reads the signal on your muscle

Thalmic Labs Inc. has released various video about what can be done by Myo armband. One example, the armband can be combined with Ar-Drone. By doing certain gestures with his hands, the user can perform full control of Ar-Drone like turning direction, raise the height, and a number of other controls. In addition to Ar-Drone, Myo can also be combined with other technologies such as robots and one of the latest virtual reality technology, Oculus Rift as well as a variety of other technologies.

In the end, the ability of gestural interfaces of Myo open a new factor in the computer, which is the purpose of Thalmic Labs Inc. as a researcher in the field of human-computer interaction. With this gesture control, it’s not the things that are not possible anymore to see J.A.R.V.I.S in the future.
Don't you want to design Iron Man?

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